Covid-19 Safety
Being outside and playing is great for children's mental and physical health and we are looking forward to welcoming new families and welcome back families to re-establish those close connections, albeit from a social distance. We've had lots of queries from NEW families during the closure wanting to join, and we are seeing that Playgroup is a popular choice for families, it is a cheaper alternative to children activities and is seen as a safer place than the playground, which is frequented by large numbers of people who may have different views about social distancing and hygiene.
New signage
New signage was created by the committee for the property. Playgroup will not always have these restrictions but in the meantime we have taken measures to align ourselves with the guidelines set by Playgroup NSW and are consistently monitoring the advice from state and federal authorities and following the all required and preventative measures stipulated to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
Spaces are limited
Government restrictions are that no more than 20 people are allowed to gather at Playgroup, this includes adults and children. In saying that we are aware some sessions may have more people than the allocated max numbers. In order to secure your session spot you would need to ensure your Free NSW membership is up to date and advise of your preferred session when you pay your Pymble Playgroup fees.
Email to find out how to book into a session.
NEW sign-in procedures
Pymble Playgroup Form: A new requirement for new and existing members is that they complete an online booking form before attending.
PGNSW form: Each session, Session Leaders will be marking off your names on the attendance record, day books are now redundant. And each session every member is to scan and complete a form for PGNSW, these details will be collected in line with the NSW Government COVID-19 Recording Keeping and Insurance requirements.
• MAX 20 people/session (inc. adults + children)
• No casual walk-ins.
• Only one session per family a week.
Stop the spread
It is important to recognise when your child or you are sick and when to not attend playgroup. Some people are at greater risk of more serious illness with COVID-19. As we move towards living in a COVIDSafe Australia, people still need to take extra steps to protect those most at risk.
Playgroup NSW supports the Australian Government's recommendation that all children are vaccinated according to the suggested immunisation schedule. For the current information regarding vaccine schedule please visit The NSW department of Health has a free app 'Save the Date to Vaccinate' that offers parents reminders of vaccination dates.
With your privacy protected by law, COVIDSafe keeps a secure note of other users you’ve been near if you have to go out. So, if they test positive for Coronavirus, you’ll be notified. It’ll help us stop the spread sooner, so we can all get back to the things we love. If you develop a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, are in contact with someone else who has COVID-19, or have recently been in an affected area: visit a testing clinic, call your GP, Healthdirect on 1800 022 222.
Covid-19 guidelines
• Session times and days will be stricter to ensure the duration of the sessions do not exceed two hours.
• Limited numbers in the venue up to twenty people, includes all adults and children, so a total of twenty people including Session Leaders.
• One session a family per week. A fundamental change is that families should only be attending on their main day. During this time of COVID we cannot allow the attendance of multiple days. If the capacity allows it we will let you know but to ensure as many members who want to return can attend it would seem fair to stick to your one main group.
• Stop the spread. We will be changing some of our practices to ensure that we maintain a safe working environment. We will be clear that if anyone or anyone's child is unwell or displays any cold like symptoms then they cannot attend. Everyone will verbally be giving the Session Leader a health declaration upon entry. All attendees details will be collected via an electronic JOT form in order to help with contact tracing if the need should ever arise. Your Session Leader will be trained how to show you to provide us with the attendee details for tracing. Masks are optional but not mandatory, please follow NSW Health guidelines.
• Session leader training will occur and they will be shown how to set up, have a Hygiene, Cleaning and Facilities Checklist to follow and be able to answer queries you may have.
• Social distancing. We will have numbers on chairs and will mark out spots to indicate the appropriate spacing. Everyone can pick up their own chair, use it for the duration of the session and wipe it down with a disinfectant wipe before stacking. Also ensure that your bags are stored under your assigned chair so that they also are socially distanced.
• Cleaning Products. We would ask everyone to bring their own personal sanitiser and wipes.
We have purchased essential cleaning items that will be available for use, however we would appreciate if people could bring their own.
• BYO drink bottles and food. Sharing food and utensils will be prohibited. We have been advised that the kitchen should be closed as is the best way to minimise risk. This will mean for this stage there will be no tea or coffee being offered from our venue.
• House closed under guidance from PGNSW. The main house will be closed at this stage but the under cover outside seating area, the use of the bathroom and the outside play equipment will be available for use.
• Sandpit closed under guidance from PGNSW. More than one person questioned if the sandpit could remain open. We went back to Playgroup NSW but unfortunately we have yet again received guidance that this should remain closed. It is the worst offender to hide germs, it cannot be easily cleaned and it will be harder to maintain social distancing in this area.
• Baby Mats. Parents will need to bring their own baby mats if applicable.
We understand that information, kindness and support are currently essential in keeping all families feeling reassured, the health and safety of Pymble Playgroup families remains our highest priority. If there is anything we have not explained clearly, please query us or if you have any further feedback, comments, or compliments please send them to
Thank you again for your support and patience, we really hope you return as we have missed our lovely members. This is a playgroup that has been in operation for a very long time and we hope it will be for many more years to come.